The First Thought

The first thought that arises within us when we wake up in the morning is the ‘I’ thought. There are variations of this ‘I’ thought – I woke, I got up; Now what is the first thing I should do?; Though my eyes feel a bit heavy today, is it time for me to wake up? The words could be different, but all of them are only those pertaining to the individual ‘I’. With the advent of the ‘I’ thought, other thoughts also begin to follow. By then, the senses are awake too. It is only after the ‘I’ thought that the contrast mind appears, which then judges everything as good or bad. This mind assumes a separate identity for itself and says: my work, my name, my actions, my religion, my country, my sins, my virtues. It compares and contrasts every event, every thought. This is precisely what brings unhappiness and bondage. This is ignorance and illusion. This is the obstacle to attaining the truth. This is the black cloud over the sun (the true self or the truth). This is what causes the eclipse. This is the speck that has got into your eye and is not allowing you to see even something as obvious as the largest mountain.
Related topics:
How is Contrast Mind formed
Think A Thought That Will Annihilate All Thought

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Thoughts and Self Enquiry


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